Thursday, 4 April 2013

Professor Gerald Dawe

We are delighted to announce that our symposium will close on June 14 with a poetry reading and talk by Professor Gerald Dawe, Professor of English at Trinity College Dublin:

'The war came down on us here': Aftermaths of WW2

Gerald Dawe discusses the impact of the Second World War in the writing lives of some Irish contemporaries, including Brian Moore, Seamus Heaney and Derek Mahon, and examines how the critical legacy of the war continues to influence Irish views of Europe and European views of Ireland.

Gerald Dawe has published several collections of poetry, including Lake Geneva (2003), Points West (2008) and Selected Poems (2012). He edited the ground-breaking anthology Earth Voices Whispering: An Anthology of Irish War Poetry 1914-1945 (2008).

'Gerald Dawe teaches in Dublin at the heart of a Europe that informs his work as richly as it has infused, in turn, that of Joyce, Mahon and Paulin.'

The Guardian

'His clear and unadorned voice articulates an imagination of European scope.'

Terence Brown